Montalin Capsules in Pakistan | BigBazzar Pakistan Professional
4 years ago - Services - Islamabad - 448 viewsMontalin capsule on in Pakistan All Cities.
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Montalin Capsules in Pakistan :
The result of this pain in the joints and in the muscles is often inflammation.
The symptoms of this condition closely resemble those of viral flu and sometimes
those of arthritis.
Use Montalin Capsule in Pakistan the pain in the muscles and joint
becomes so acute that one is unable to do any meaningful physical activity.
As the muscle joint pain becomes more and more intense, the affected tissues
seem to get more tender.
Drinking rule of Capsules Montalin :
Rules are taking capsules 2 times a day each 2 capsules for those who have
been classified as chronic or severe disease. 2 capsules once a day for those
who are still relatively mild disease, and 1 capsule daily for prevention.
Efficacy Capsules Montalin
Extract of materials – materials :
Centella Asiatica: 35%
Glaziosa Superbal: 25%
Minosa Pudical: 15%
Phyllantnus Urinalialinn: 10%
Sonchus Arvesisi: 10%
And others – others up: 100%\
Package Contents :
1 Box = 10 Sachet, 1 sachet of 4 capsules
Magelang – INDONESIA
Montalin Capsules Price : 4000/-